Our modular structure enables you to quickly respond to various types of threats and obtain more targeted outcomes.

BeeCheck is a service that can filter the Surface Web and the Deep Web/Dark Web (TOR) based on region, ASN, ISP, and TLD. This is accomplished through the use of FQDN, URL, IPv4/IPv6 addresses, and hash (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512) signatures representing indicators of compromise (IoC) signatures collected from over 120 sources. Additionally, BeeCheck includes tags such as Known Attacker, Spammer, Emotet, Malware, Potential Malware Site, Compromised, Suspicious, Bad Reputation, Malicious, Crawler, Proxy, TOR Exit Node, Phishing, Botnet, Malware Distribution, Trickbot, and etc. Additionally, it contains new industry-specific threats such as Bitcoin Node, Crypto Mining, and Covid19.

Depending on the product labels and information, the zero-day control tracking is applied dynamically to the defined firm inventory’s CVE codes.

BeeCheck enables the listing of screenshots or liveviews of attacked or hacked websites.

Monitors traffic, detects signatures, and analyzes the behavior of web servers, SQL databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc. ), NoSQL databases (MongoDB, ElasticSearch, etc. ), SMTP, FTP, and RDP servers, among others, via version or zero-day vulnerabilities.

This service enables the tracking of data breached content on the Surfaceweb and Deepweb / Darkweb (TOR), such as hacked identity and account information, stolen credit card information from businesses, and leaked user personal data (PII).

With the help of BeeCheck, it is possible to detect and monitor domain names with a large number of TLDs in advance, listing newly registered domain names and providing infrastructure for phishing attacks against comparable domains.

With BeeCheck, it is quite simple to monitor and query the source/target information for DDOS attacks occurring worldwide.

The BeeCheck solution enables the mapping of sites, the monitoring of service availability, and the monitoring of uptime. Additionally, security tracking, SSL certificate, authority validity, and domain name duration tracking may be accomplished using the automated CSRF, XSS, and SQL injection detection tools.

Apart from the surface-web, there is also an unknown and generally dangerous TOR, deep-web, and dark-web side. At this stage, BeeCheck helps institutions raise their security levels through anomaly tracking, monitoring, and detection.

BeeCheck is also an information service that applies rules to the risks specified in all of our services and can produce alerts in response to these rules.